Your Mission Trip to Haiti

Have you ever wanted to take a Mission Trip, and did not have the opportunity?

Relief for Kids in Haiti and Delivrance pour Tous have teamed up to provide for the opportunity to visit Haiti and get to know the people and provide for others in a real way. Costs can differ depending on your options. Review the Information packet Found Here.

Mission Trip Coordinator – Charles McEndree: 813-469-8684

Short-Term Trips to Haiti

Our Relief organizations are dedicated to the belief that small things can truly make a big difference. No one organization can help the needs of all suffering individuals, but everyone can help someone. We are in Haiti to serve the needs of orphaned and underprivileged children. We seek to gain nothing, except the joy of seeing children receiving adequate care and nurturing.

We believe the Holy Bible to be the inspired, word of God. We adopt the Scriptures as our Statement of Faith – obviously better than what we could fairly summarize ourselves. James 1:27 states: “Religion that God our father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress.” This verse captures the heart of our ministry. We strive to be doers of the Word, not mere talkers.

Many ministries exclude people from relationship based upon rigid, legalistic religion. That is not the case here. We want all to know, whether Christ followers or not, that we welcome and value you in this ministry.

We now offer you an opportunity to visit our orphanage in Haiti and interact with the children and help serve their needs.

Our Relief organizations are dedicated to making sure that we make a difference in the life of someone.

We are seeking individuals and organizations who wish to make a difference for those who need it.

About Short Term Missions

Short Term Missions is an opportunity for individuals to serve God and share their faith on mission trips, either with a small group or by joining a team.

We send short term missionaries to Haiti throughout year. Our team partners with you to create long term memories and experiences in spreading God’s love. Teams encourage and empower the local church by serving however needed—everything from manual labor projects to helping with a VBS camp—and in doing so, contribute to a long term impact.

But there is more to these missions… It’s the Kingdom of Heaven coming to Earth.

People just like you are learning and experiencing firsthand how to serve others in high-need contexts, and make a real, tangible difference in the lives of others.

You can be next.

Host Organizations:

Relief for Kids in Haiti – US EIN# 46-1320063
Host: Marc Arthur Francois: +1 (509) 3159-0054
Delivrance pour Tous – US EIN# 82-3403289
Host: Jameson Leo: +1 (509) 3180-3223